Classes Fee

  • Energy Membership (12 months)
  • Punch card (10 classes: 2190 Kč, 20 classes: 3990 Kč, morning punch card 10 classes: 1890 Kč, valid from 7 am till 4 pm).



Reservations is possible for all. 

If you want to buy Energy Studio Membership, you will fill in the basic information about you at the reception desk, the receptionist will sign a contract with you and you can practice without limitations according to your options. Membership is valid for one or both of our yoga studio centers. Payment can be made for a selected period of 3, 12 months in total, or after monthly installments. Under the annual agreement, it is possible to interrupt the contract for a maximum of 1 month. You must pay a cancellation fee if you want to cancel the contract earlier then expiration. A simplified membership contract is written in English.

Punch cards are valid for both yoga studios and are unlimited and portable from person to person. 

At the Energy Studios reception you can pay in cash in Czech crowns, or Euros (euro according to the current rate indicated at the reception) or by credit card. Membership payments can be paid by transfer from your account.

  • If you know a bit of Czech or Sanskrit other classes are a combination of these languages.
  • Instructors are professionally trained on both Czech and international certifications, including the Yoga Alliance.
  • Yoga halls are fully equipped with yoga props including mats.
  • You can also purchase your own mat at studio store or online at 



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